Why you should consider getting a Retractable Dog Gate
Whether you’re a new dog parent bringing home your first puppy or if you’re looking to improve the safety of your home and make it more dog friendly, there is no denial that a retractable pet gate is essential around the home. This equipment is great for managing pet access to and around the house and gives dog parents a peace of mind knowing that their pup is safe and staying out of trouble.
The benefits of using a dog gate
Pet access aside, pet gates are an important management tool that can help teach your dog boundaries and shape their behaviours and habits. It is crucial that the gate is not used to isolate your pup as this can be detrimental to their mental well-being. Rather, think of this tool in terms of health and safety. There are several scenarios where a pet gate can be used:
- Pet Safety
This is perhaps the biggest reason for using a pet gate at home. Like small children, puppies do not always understand the difference between safe and unsafe items, meaning they may inspect things like trash, food, and other hazardous items. A gate will separate your pet from these dangerous objects and keep them in designated areas around your home to play and relax in instead.
- Separating your pet from others
Aside from safety, a pet gate is handy for separating your dog from others. This includes newborns, toddlers or any visitors who may not appreciate being inspected by your furry friend. Alternatively, a gate may be used to separate multiple household pets if they do not aways see eye-to-eye.
- Providing a safe space
Just like how we all have our personal space, it is important for our dogs to have their own area. A pet gate can be used to designate a safe space for dogs, so they feel like home. Make sure you provide them with access to food, water, their bed, and their favourite toys. Giving your pet their own space can also help build their independence and reduce the likeliness of stress and separation anxiety which can be harmful for their mental health.
- Teaching your dog boundaries
The same way we train our dogs to sit, stay and follow so that they can stay safe and learn important skills like waiting for food, avoiding jumping on strangers or running off, a pet gate will train your dog to respect certain spaces. For example, you may close off the dining room or kitchen from your dog during mealtime so that they won’t scavenge food. Alternatively, a pet gate can also be used after they’ve been outside so that they don’t dirty your brand-new white leather couch after rolling around in the mud.
Finding the right pet gate – what should you consider?
Finding the right gate for your dog is no easy feat and several factors should be taken into consideration. Luckily, our Retractable Dog Gate range comes in different shapes, sizes, and colours that’s suitable for a variety of dogs.
- Dog size
- Dog habits
- Dimensions and installation
- Portability
- Ease of operation
- Appearance
While appearance may not be a priority for your pet pal, us dog parents may consider this factor since the gate will be used for a long time and become a part of your home décor. Our retractable dog gates come in a variety of colours which makes it suitable for homes of all colour schemes.
Introducing your dog to a pet gate
Your dog may not embrace the idea of separation from their ‘pack’ at first, but with time and effective training, they will get used to it. Like other training, prepare treats as a reward for good behaviour, and give them attention and affection. Make sure you take no notice of bad behaviours like scratching the gate, whining, barking or begging for attention. When first introducing your dog to a gate, stay close by so they know you aren’t far away and in time your pup will get used to being in their own space and will remain calm and relaxed even when you are not around.